Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tri Events June 2014/Racing and Volunteering

The Polar booth ready for the athletes to ask questions!
So far in 2014 my husband and I have been apart of all three triathlons at Bonelli Park better known as Tri Events, the race Director Caroline puts on a stellar event and I am blessed to be able to help the event with Polar Heart Rate Monitors and Ocean Potion as well as take out information on Hammer Nutrition.

Always a hectic day, we arrive at 6.15am to set up,then Al, Hammer (my min pin) and I race as a team in the short course triathlon. I swim the 300 meters, AL cycles one lap around the park and then I run the 5km with Hammer, when we are finished it is back to the Polar display to answer questions about Heart Rate training, spray athletes with Ocean Potion and answer questions on race day nutrition with Hammer Nutrition. 

getting ready to swim

Al despite illness was the cyclist
Hammer waits to run...

Tri Events are fun to race and fun to volunteer for. Was a great to go to the event be able to help and also race and the biggest surprise was winning the podium for mixed relay all three races!!!
Giving back can be rewarding, and racing as a team with my husband is priceless....


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